Are You Thinking About Installing a Home Security System?

By Jeff Gerold

Well, you've finally decided to go out and buy a home security system. Do you really know what you are doing? Do you think you know enough about home security systems to make a wise choice? Do you know the ins and outs of home security? Take a look at this quiz and put yourself to the test. Find out what you really know about home security systems. Try answering the questions, then move on down the page to find out the answers.

1. Who invented the first home video security system?

Marie V. Brown and Albert Brown applied for a patent on the first closed-circuit security system for home use in 1966. They received the patent on December 2, 1969. The two used their combined security system information to devise a system that implemented a motorized security camera that slid up and down looking through a set of four peep holes drilled through the door. The system also included an electric switch that gave the home's occupant the option of unlocking the door remotely.

2. What's the most inexpensive method of installing a home security system?

Choosing do-it-yourself installment allows you the benefits of a house security system at much less cost than professional set-up. Studying and asking questions on do it yourself security discussion boards presents you the security system information required to not merely arrive at an educated decision when buying a system but likewise offers installation directions and first-hand explanations of others installing their personal systems.

3. At what time do the majority of home burglaries happen in the U.S.?

The bulk of home burglaries happen during the holidays. Because of our busy agendas during the holidays, we frequently discover ourselves turning negligent on home security matters. And burglars are aware that we frequently get pricey items, such as electronics, for holiday gifts. The following holiday-time security system info permits you to savor the holidays while remaining secure: always turn on your security system if you will not be at home, never hand over your passcode to delivery people or temporary housekeepers and educate trustworthy houseguests how to utilize your security system.

4. Where is the most ideal place to hide your security system info, such as the manual and a copy of your password?

A home security safe offers the most dependable protection for your system information. A fire resistant home security safe keeps your security system data from being lost, taken, or destroyed in a disaster such as a fire.

5. Home security systems have become cheaper recently. Why?

Modern advancements in technology, such as the web and wireless security setups, contributed to the cost decline of home security systems. In the past, setting up an alarm involved hiring a pro. Today, home owners can easily install wireless security system in a short amount of time, and whenever they come upon a problem, the many references on the Internet provide the security system information they require.

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Home Security Alarm Monitoring - Tips and Advice

By Ray Lam

If you do not already have a home security monitoring system, you might be completely unaware of the options that are available to you. Even if you already have home security monitoring, you still might not be fully aware of the options available beyond your current home security monitoring system. In its most basic sense home security monitoring protects your family and possessions from burglary but it can do so much more than that.

Through the use of a good and reliable home security monitoring system, your domicile is safer at all cost. Your lives as the residents of your home must be safeguarded from the most possible attacks of these burglars.

However, the thieves these days have become wise enough to know that home security monitoring systems are present in the vicinity. Hence, they try to avoid these. It is now your task to find a good home security monitoring system that has a reliable deterrent.

You have been too bothered by the news that reach you every now and then about families losing their own lives in the hands of the burglars. That is because they have forgotten to install some protection for themselves. The home security monitoring system could help a lot in preventing incidents like this.

There are diversified home security monitoring system packages that you may select from. The very effective ones could notify security or police agencies, medical agencies, fire departments, and the likes. These systems are programmed to detect the techniques and plans of any criminals as they try to break into your home. The home security monitoring system could be installed easily. They may also be camouflaged into the entire house so that the criminals may not notice it at once.

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Spy Cam: Home Security at It's Finest

By Joe Alexis

It is in our homes that you feel most safe and secure. But nowadays, danger lurks everywhere, including our own homes. And when you are not at home, how certain are you that it isn't getting invaded by burglars? How do you know that your children at home are safe? By installing a spy camera, you can accomplish all these. With a spy cam, you get peace of mind, knowing you have an eye on your home and children.

A spy camera has the capability to record and capture events and give owners an eye on what's happening on their business or homes, whether they're present or not. These gadgets come in all shapes and sizes, and can be neatly hidden beneath every day objects like a smoke detector, clock or simple figurine.

Using a spy cam, both inside and outside the house, gives the owner great control on his property and loved ones. He can easily view live with a display monitor or via the internet, and be able to record these feeds for future viewing. Whenever he suspects someone he sees in the camera, he can easily take action before the stranger makes his move!

At times when we go to work, we usually leave our kids to babysitters. But sometimes you just don't feel at ease when you leave your kids with other people. You want to monitor how they're doing even you're not home? With a spy camera, you can easily check on them and get back to your work. You can also know if the babysitter took good care of your children or just ignored them.

Making plans is important before getting your first spy cam. Either you use the wired or wireless type of camera, but the wireless is better since you prevent the hassles of tangled wires and trying to figure out where to place them. A wireless system gets set-up easily right out of the box, and into the spot you want to place extra security.

When installing inside your home, try to find a camera with a good disguise, like a book or an air freshener, or something that would fit well with your furniture and decorations. A well-disguised camera can make your surveillance much more covert and effective.

Try to look for weather-proof or all-weather camera for installing surveillance outside your home, like your backyard, garden, or garage door. This makes your camera safe in high temperatures of the day and waterproof even in the rain. Also, find a camera that has low lux rating, which has better view in low light conditions. So you get to see even at night, the time when more danger lingers.

Purchasing your first spy camera seems hard, especially if you're not equipped with the technical skills. Choosing the right store locally or online can greatly help you in this quest. Take note of the stores that has detailed product specifications, clear quality standards and policies, and excellent customer service.

Installing a spy cam can greatly increase your security at home and with your family. Our world isn't as safe as before, and even our homes aren't exempted from the danger. We need to exercise as much caution as we can to protect our properties and loved ones. Like the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. With a spy camera, you get peace of mind, safety and extra security in the comfort of your own home.

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Affordable Home Security

By Alex Hawk

Getting The Most For Your Money in Home Security

You know the drill. Home security systems are great for burglar break ins and fires. But what you need to know is the cost of these home security systems.

Needless to say, you'll need to make a few sacrifices when it comes to some of the more complicated home security features, but it's definitely worth it if you're looking for a more affordable option.

If you really want cheap home security that also provides a great deal of protection in your home, the best idea is to put together your own security system.

Can I Really Do It Myself?

Begin by making a plan on your home security system. You'll need one if you want to build your own home security system.

Look for vulnerable areas around your house, areas like broken locks, doors, and windows. Fixing these might seem obvious, but it's absolutely critical to do so before you actually decide to hire a home security company.

With cheap home security, you do not have to sacrifice safety. Many companies do offer fire protection.

If you don't have any, install smoke detectors and make sure they're working. Next, get some carbon monoxide detectors as well because these are odorless but very dangerous gases.

The next step is to look at the home security market and ask yourself what products or other elements would you like to see in your house? Would you like motion sensor lights? Would you like security cameras?

All of these questions can easily be answered if you have already taken the time to look at your home and find the problem areas.

Cheap home securities aren't bad. You'll get all the needed benefits of home protection without having to pay too much; they're simply affordable.

Take the right steps to building your cheap home security system and you'll be just fine.

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The Basics off Closed Circuit Television (CCTV):

By Paul Hobbs

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) is a television communication system, wherein prerecorded or live signals pass through a closed circuit to a predetermined and fixed assembly of receivers. These signals move through coaxial cables as disorganized radio waves and are unscrambled at the final reception point.

Ranging from intricate surveillance systems consisting of hundreds of video cameras, digital recorders and numerous operators to a simple monitor and camera, closed circuit television (CCTV) systems provide complete protection for a variety of businesses. An excellent closed circuit television (CCTV) system makes an individual's business more efficient, safer and less inclined to accidents and thefts. Although the most basic and simple closed circuit television (CCTV) arrangement, that is a single camera directly linked to a recorder and monitor, can sometimes provide security, large organizations and businesses require multiple cameras. These systems involve refined technology. Sometimes, it is also necessary to have a movable camera to monitor a large area. It is therefore essential for a person to study the video surveillance requirements carefully, before comparing systems or selecting potential vendors.

A person needs to first judge what needs to be monitored. Next, consider the picture quality. The quality depends on the displayed image detail and the speed of the frame rate. Slower frame rates and poor resolution means, less steady and blockier images, but it will let a person record for longer time. Superior resolution closed circuit television (CCTV) recorders and cameras are very costly, but they give a person more detail. Additional features comprise of computer served operation, night vision and movement detection services, that enables the operator to put the system on red alert when something comes in front of the cameras. These systems also come with a bulletproof covering and preset defense facilities, ensuring that the neighbors never hit the cameras.

The following are the buying tips for a closed circuit television (CCTV):

Tip 1: Plan to evade dummy cameras. Though they prevent certain problems, they also sometimes result in a legal responsibility, by creating a belief of security when none exists.

Tip 2: Make your signs visible. This will let the employees and customers discern that their screening is taking place, which will ultimately raise the deterrent effect. Check the recording feature, since it determines the efficiency of a closed circuit television (CCTV). Without recording, it will necessitate an employee to watch the monitor every time, which is not a cost-effective solution.

Tip 3: Pick a vendor of good reputation. This will improve the closed circuit television (CCTV) results and will additionally, save a lot of money.

A closed circuit television (CCTV) possesses several scientific and industrial uses including medical imaging, electron microscopy and robotics, but it is mostly used for surveillance camera systems and security. Other widespread forms of closed circuit television (CCTV) comprise of live video displays for special activities such as arena sports, conventions, rock concerts and, telecasts of adventurous events such as boxing championships, golf and baseball. In-house small screen channels in airports, schools, hospitals, malls, municipal buildings and so on, also make use of closed circuit television (CCTV) systems. In prisons, the use of closed circuit television (CCTV) systems lowers the overhead expense of operating observation towers and staffing. This makes it easier to watch constantly all the large areas. Teleconferencing is another great technological development designed to permit people in different locations to communicate through closed circuit television (CCTV) hookups. In addition, virtual reality is an imaging module, which also makes use of closed circuit television (CCTV) goggles along with complex input devices and computer graphics, to produce the illusion of an interactive three-dimensional surrounding for the viewer.

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Public Divorce Records From the Net

By Jed Elaine

When you and your love one decided to tie the knot, deep inside you, you wished it will last forever. However, statistics do show that 40% of Americans today who have ever married is reported to have a divorce history. It is a great shame that what used to be a drop-dead virtue has now eroded to such a state.

We can have a pretty good idea of people from their divorce information. Understandably so, people with divorce history don't want to publicize what they have been through. But, Public Divorce Records are actually public data that anyone can access legally. By joining membership site of these commercial records provider, you can download information within minutes simply by entering a name and state of residency.

Of course, you can also do this personally. Divorce records are stored at both the state and the county level. Some states have state repositories that contain all the records. Other states have no central record repository for divorce records, and you have to go to the local county courthouse where the divorce was filed and granted, and obtain the documents at source.

This can prove to be very tedious and the processing time can take weeks or even months depending on States. Therefore, commercial records provider see this opportunity and provide value for easy and immediate access. It also offers anonymity and discretion. Also, you will virtually never be caught red-handed, being online making it accessible from anywhere under cover as long as there is internet access, which is everywhere and anywhere these days.

At a basic level, information obtainable through divorce records search are basically the names of the separating couple, time & place, grounds and filing number of divorce, alimony and other settlement issues such as marital assets and liabilities, restraining orders and children custody, support and visitation rights if any.

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Take Your First Steps to Home Safety

By Rem

Your home is a place of security and relief from the pressures of the outside world and most people feel relaxed upon entering their domicile. This is one of the contributing factors to statistics demonstrating that most accidents occur in the home and often by inattention to dangers. Home safety needs to be the first frontier to tackle in protecting yourself and your loved ones from accidents.

A very obvious source of danger in a house is the electrical system. Outlets for power are located in convenient and easy to reach places to facilitate plugging in our appliances and devices. Moving the outlets to secure locations defeats the purpose of having electricity, so the best practice for home safety is to cover them up. Many designs and types of outlet protection are available to match your dcor while protecting the family.

A basic concept for home safety is to remove clutter around the house and organize your belongings. Usually this push starts in childhood with mothers directing their kids to clean up their rooms and put all of their toys away. As adults, we often fail to put everything away and it is very easy to trip or bump into those objects later causing bruises or scrapes.

Shelves in closets and storage areas in general are very often victims of clutter and overloading. It is a classic cartoon notion for the closet door to open and everything fall out on the hapless character involved. In real life it is not funny and can be painful. Overloaded shelves can fall on a head or body at any time to cause injury.

The elderly are usually more sensitive to tripping and falling concerns such as varied flooring or rugs. The differing levels for materials covering the floor are potential sources of tripping. The danger grows over time as the borders get worn. Home safety experts additionally recommend non-slip pads for rugs and periodic review of floor covering boundaries.

Bathrooms can be wet and messy venues, requiring many strong cleaning products using hazardous chemicals. For ease of use, many people store these supplies under the sink or nearby. Due to the danger, the chemicals should be locked away or put up in an elevated place that is not as easy to access. All of the containers should have child-proof lids to add extra home safety to the situation.

The kitchen is an area where chemicals are used to clean and sanitize surfaces daily. Many of these chemicals are hazardous to contact, inhale, or swallow. To provide quick access and easy use of the cleaning products, they are often stored under the sink or in a nearby cabinet. Home safety is greatly improved when the items are put up and away, preferably in a locked cabinet.

Sharp and hot objects are another danger in the kitchen to take precautions against. Knives are essential to food preparation, but need to be stored in a wood block or drawer. Stove tops and ovens need precautions as well to note if the heat is on and to avoid contact.

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What Is A People Search Compared To A Background Check

By Steven Midnight

The Web has given us an opportunity to become our own Private Eyes. We can now investigate anyone with a free background check or people search.

People search and background check services are steadily rising in popularity. Search engines are reporting huge search numbers for these types of sites. One consequence of this popularity is the huge amount of new people search and background check sites.

Most surfers sign up or use these services without actually understanding what each type of investigation requires. If you don't use the correct service in your investigations, you will not recieve the best results from your search.

A background check service is designed more for discovering the past of a search subject. These services allow you to discover the past criminal, civil and marriage history of a person. This allows us to determine if a new friend, lover or even an employee is "safe" for us to spend time with.

A people search is a service that is used more for finding a lost friend or family member. These types of sites will often offer the surfer public records such as last know address, phone number and age. Background check records are often helpful in a people search as well.

Free background check and people search sites will offer free searches but often this is only a marketing ploy. They will provide you will very limited results in the hope that you will purchase more detailed data. This can still be usefull in your investigations. Use these free sites to determine if the data is good enought to continue your search.

Discover how you can conduct your own Free People Search or Background Checks Free People Search Free Background Check

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Do It Yourself Home Security

By Ray Lam

Proper and safe home security doesn't have to involve hiring a professional to install the most up-to-date security system on the market. There are numerous DIY home security options out there; you just need to be familiar with them and choose what precautions you should take to keep you, your home, and your family safe. DIY home security involves everything from teaching your children what to do when at home alone to installing a state-of-the-art, DIY home security alarm that allows the homeowner to perform the installation and set up.

Local home improvement stores stock a variety of Do-it-yourself or DIY home security options. Most are relatively easy to install with the assistance of some simple instructions. They range in complexity of services - from those that include simple window and door alarms to more intricate video surveillance and motion detector systems. Choosing that DIY home security system that will work for you depends largely on need, budgetary restrictions, and installation ability.

First and foremost, the DIY home security systems which are endowed with the window and door alarms are typically the least difficult to install. There is a manual that tags along with the purchase of it so that you could have a clear grasp of the installation instructions. Likewise, with the use of the basic tools that you may find within your home, the easier it is to put the device on.

Installing security cameras around the exterior and interior of your property as DIY home security requires a little more skill. Recording devices can capture any criminal activity to be used for evidence should the need ever arise. Just be sure to be alert to those areas that should not be monitored by cameras. Privacy should be paramount in your home. Monitoring public areas for security purposes is one thing but monitoring private areas of your home should be restricted.

Integrating these accessories into your DIY home security system is an easy process, and tailoring your system to fit your needs is extremely important. DIY home security systems also allow you to upgrade your system as needed; as technology advances and the needs of your family change, you can easily install the additional security accessories you feel necessary. From the most menial tasks such as trimming trees to the more advanced job of installing an entire home security system, Do it yourself home security is a great way to ensure your safety.

A higher level has been occupied by the DIY home security system as these days you could connect it to a computer system and have the monitoring centralized. There would be no wires needed in installing it so you'll face lesser hassles.

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Home Security : Wireless Home Security Systems

By Ray Lam

With the amount of crime escalating, home security systems are a must have. With the frequent amount of burglaries occuring, you simply must protect your loved ones as well as your possessions. There are various types of security systems available for you to choose from. There are wired and wireless home security systems available. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the difference in cost.

The purpose of both wired and wireless home security systems are quite different. Wireless security systems don't need to be wired through the house; they will transmit remote signals to the main control panel. When they were first introduced, wireless home security systems were not reliable and consumers didn't see them as a viable solution. As time progressed and more individuals started to use and analyze them, wireless home security systems became more mainstream.

When compared to wired systems, wireless home security systems are less of a hassle and easier to install, since you don't have to deal with the wiring. Wireless security systems can be more effective when it comes down to money, time, and effort since you don't have to rip out your flooring or walls. Wireless security systems on the other hand are more expensive than wired systems and you will have to replace their batteries on a regular schedule. The primary advantage of wireless security systems is that they are easily transferrable. This means that you can more them to your next residence with ease.

Wireless security systems use the same components as other home security systems such as the control panel, cameras, detectors, and alarms. Wireless home security systems rely on radio frequencies that are transmitted through the door contacts, windows, and motion activated detectors. The control panels that are located at the entrances to the home will offer activation and deactivation of the system. In the event of the power shutting down, a backup system will power the wireless security system and continue to offer protection for your house.

If you shop around you can find several different wireless home security system deals, many of which you can easily put in your home yourself. Before you purchase a security system though, you should get advice from a professional who can inspect your home and suggest the equipment that you really need. Although it may cost a bit more money, it will be worth all of the effort for the future.

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Home Security Systems - Protect Your Home With A Security System

By Ray Lam

Home security systems are electronic apparatuses that are hooked up in your home and, in a number of ways, help to keep out burglars and other intruders. They can include alarms, closed circuit cameras, warning signs, and more. Every homeowner wants to ensure the security of his home. Most homeowners leave no stone unturned to make their homes less vulnerable to burglars and undesirable elements. Home security systems are the perfect solution to make one's home well protected. They can be an effective measure to ward off potential intruders.

Most home security systems are wonderful, it's just important to know what your goal is for the system. Do you want to protect the people when they are in the home or stuff when the people are away? Home security systems are a great investment and are a must have for every household to keep your family safe inside as well as your possessions. Most everyone has been broken into or knows someone on their street who has been the victim of a break-in, so it makes sense to consider some kind of home security system.

Some home security systems are commonly perceived as consisting of flashing lights and loud sirens. While some systems certainly do employ these methods, it is important to be aware that certain home security systems have become quite sophisticated recently. Cheap home security cameras are easily purchased and will work for most homeowners. Home security cameras are the perfect solution to make one's home well protected.

Home security systems incorporate all the essential deterrents to guarantee the protection of your home, family, and personal property. They come with many advantages and supports.

The basic security system is this - a security system is installed at a good height beyond human reach .Pictures (or videos) are captured by the camera which are forwarded to one of the hundreds of television sets of a control room. This security system is almost foolproof and is extremely effective in keeping crimes at bay. This captured footage can be stored for later viewing. Any wrong deed done in front of the security system is captured and immediate action is taken, keeping the area secure. These conclusions are supported by the trust that people put into the security systems.

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How To Protect Your Home With a Robust Home Security System

By Greg Lietz

After you have purchased your dream home and decorated it to your specific taste, you will want to consider implementing a home security system. In many instances, people do not think about a home security system until after it is too late. In reality, it is better to have a security system in place in order to prevent something bad from happening. Let us take a look at the best home security systems.

Add a whole home security alarm system. When installing a home security system, you can make the choice to have the system enabled only on certain doors and windows. However, you will want to keep in mind that the number of doors and windows you have the alarm installed on, the more expensive the system will be. In order to save some money, you can ask the installer if they are running any specials.

Add a live monitoring system service. It is definitely a good idea to invest into a home monitoring service. Home monitoring services can automatically contact police or fire when the alarms you have in your home are triggered. Conduct thorough research to find out the best service provider as quality of services may differ from company to company.

Home Security Procedures and Security Systems For the Home

Installing a home security system is not a very complicated process. The first step is deciding where you would like to have the control box installed. You have set it up by your front door, back door or a main window. After you have picked the location, then you will need to program a code into the alarm. This step is needed in order to set up the alarm successfully. This step is also important so that you can disarm the system while you are at home. Included with a home alarm system is a motion detector. The motion detector is set up to detect movement inside the house. The sensor is a safeguard in case a person makes it into the house without setting off the alarm.

Outdoor alarm system. An outdoor alarm system is programmed to switch the floodlights on whenever it detects motion outside of the house. In the early days of the alarm system, alarms would go off if a cat or dog was walking nearby. However, with the more modern systems, they are configured so that they can determine the size and weight of an intruder. Therefore, this helps to eliminate false alarms being set off.

Use proper locks. If you have purchased a home that has had a previous owner, be sure to change all of the locks. You never know if the previous home owner still has an extra key. Therefore, it is better to replace all of the old locks and not take any chances. If the windows do not currently have locks on them, you should install them as well. This will ensure that no one can come in the house through one of the open windows.

Introduce yourself to your neighbors. Once you move into your new neighborhood, with no delay, introduce yourself and your family members to your immediate neighbors. If your neighbors know you well enough, then they can report to you or take necessary actions if they see any stranger trying to make an entry into your house.

Participate in community watch programs. If there is any thing such as community watch program in your locality, do take active part in it. This way your neighbors can keep a watch on your property in your absence and vice versa. This would definitely cut down a lot of crime.

Install video surveillance. When you make CCTV or video surveillance an addition to your home, you have sided with quite an effective home security measure. While these types of systems may cost a lot of money, it is well worth the price. With video supervision, there are many different transmitters and only one receiver that become linked to your television.

Install a smoke detector. A smoke detector will give you an advance warning should your house catch on fire.

Even with the above safety precautions, you will also need to make sure that your windows and doors and sturdy enough. If need be, put up grills over your windows. Also, be sure that there is sufficient lighting outside of your house and that any ground floor windows have thorny bushes underneath them.

Thus, you see that there are a lots of home security options to take into consideration. In order to choose the security options that would suit you the best, you can go in for a risk assessment of your home. Several home security service providers offer risk assessment modules that will help in determining your individual needs, thereby letting you decide the correct type of security measure for your house.

No matter what home security system you choose, be sure that you have a full understanding of how it works. Therefore, you can truly enjoy a vacation without the need to worry about the security and safety of your home.

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CCTV Home Security

By Ray Lam

Securing your property is one of the growing domestic issues in the UK today. Some research suggests that at least one home is broken into every minute. Therefore, protecting homes and properties has become a priority and the advent of Closed Circuit Televisions or CCTVs is timely to say the least and can be employed for this purpose.

Many independent studies in the United States and United Kingdom have suggested that CCTV surveillance acts as a powerful deterrent, stopping crimes before they happen. Studies also show strong evidence that CCTV can be an extremely effective tool in detection and prosecution. The men believed to have been responsible for the July terrorist attacks on London's public transport system were later identified on the prevalent CCTV networks in the U.K.'s public places.

Another important development is that CCTV also facilitate remote monitoring i.e. you do not have to be on site to view the images. So it is possible to view real time images of what is happening back home from your work place or on holiday, you need to type in the URL of the server that controls the wireless cameras from any browser. You can see these images just as easily on your mobile phone. Some security companies will also provide a service that monitors the premises for you, so you effectively are renting the equipment. That way you can keep up with any major technical advances.

Speaking of advances in technology, CCTVs now provide a new level of sophistication, such as infrared night vision. The ability to monitor in the dark is obviously fundamental to a comprehensive home security system. Another development is the Passive Infrared motion detection facilities and Pan Tilt Zoom cameras. These cameras are able to rotate horiszontally through 360 degrees, vertically through 900 and have zoom lenses capable of giving more than ten times the current optical zoom.

CCTV video surveillance is subject to the laws regarding a person?s right to privacy. We strongly believe that CCTV security is a powerful addition to your home security system. Your home is your castle, and you have the right to protect it. However, you want to remain on the right side of the law. Therefore, when installing a CCTV system in your home, it is important that you are certain of the legality of your surveillance. Consult with a lawyer or your local law enforcement to ensure that you are meeting all the requirements of local, state, and federal CCTV laws.

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Honeywell Home Security

By Ray Lam

Protecting your home is extremely important, you need some form of security system to protect your home and family. One company which produces very high quality home security systems is Honeywell. This company is one of the industry leaders. Many of the new technology which has improved home security systems have been produced by Honeywell.

There are lots of different options that Honeywell home security offer. They understand that this choice can be confusing and so will help to design your very own security system. They are continually creating kits which are suited to certain types of people, these can be brought off the shelf and installed fairly easily for certain situations.

Honeywell is fantastic because they offer a number of very useful kits which are suitable for commercial and residential use. These include everything you will need for many different situations.

When choosing your Honeywell home security system you must make sure that you purchase one with a control panel. The control panel is an absolutely vital part of your alarm, so you should make sure you purchase a good one. This is the way you will control the alarm, remember you will be using this every time you enter or exit your home. You will also use this control panel to make adjustments. You can fit this control panel wherever you like.

If you're installing a Honeywell home security system then you should defiantly consider looking at the Honeywell digital video servers. These are very powerful servers which are designed to process video. The newest video servers use 3 GHz Pentium processor which makes it possible to process video at very high speeds. These servers can transmit the video across a network, which can then be viewed on other network machines.

You must also consider the keypad of your home alarm. This is what you will use every day to arm and disarm your alarm. You normally need to mount this by the front door of your home so that it can be easily set. Make sure you choose one that has a light behind the keys, also try to choose one that has an LCD display rather than just lights.

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Outdoor Lighting Options and Tips for Any Landscape

By Keith Markensen

There are many reasons people choose lighting the exterior of their home and landscape. If you were to take a walk around your property, you might notice areas, where once dark outside, someone could possibly trip. Maybe you have some unwanted animal visitors you want to get rid of. There is always the security of your home you want to consider and lights definitely deter thieves or vandals. Do you have an outdoor living space, you?d like to use at night? When someone is coming over, is your driveway hard to find? If so, adding some lights will help your guests locate your home.

After your survey, take a drive around your neighborhood after dark, looking for ways other homes and businesses have lit their property. What are they using to illuminate their exteriors and landscapes? What lighting techniques give off the mood you are looking for? Make notes of the types of lights used when you find something you like. You'll need this list for the next step.

Sketching out your property, special features, and outdoor living spaces, like a barbecue pit or gazebo, will help in designing your outdoor lighting. So take the time and determine where or what you want to draw attention to. The last step in your design plan is to choose the appropriate light for these areas. So, here are some possibilities for designated areas and after that some tips from professionals.

Pathways, Walkways and Water Elements

Fixtures for these areas come in mushroom shapes, tulip lights, lanterns, tier lights and specialty lights . They provide low impact lights that won't give off a glare. Shields on the fixtures direct light down onto these areas, so you don?t have a runway affect. The goal is visibility not blinding light. This soft lighting effect can be accomplished by installing your fixtures, if they are too bright, behind foliage which will both filter the light onto your pathways and show off your landscape.

Decks, Pergolas, Pools and Hot Tubs

Mounting flood lights or spot lights up high like on trellises or eaves, will give your decks, pergolas, pool or hot tub, the focused lighting they require for night time use. If you?re going for a moonlight effect, mount your fixtures up in a tree. Using a blue filter makes it even more realistic. The light will pass through the leaves creating a romantic ambiance to your outdoor space.

Decorative Ponds, Groundcover, Gardens and Shrubbery

Spread lights give off an even, circular, and soft glow commonly used in beds with flowering plants, ivy like ground coverings, manicured shrubs, and ponds. Fixtures typically come on a post or pole shining the light downwards.

Fade Features, Retaining Walls, Privacy Fences, Entryways, Statues and Topiaries

By installing well lights, spot lights or wall wash lights, you will highlight stone and brick work on your house or retaining walls. Positioning fixtures half a foot to a foot from the element at a 90 degree angle will provide a dramatic effect. Points of entry into your home and poorly lit areas of your yard where an intruder could hide should also be well lit. Doing so will deter burglars and pesky animals roaming around. To create a striking shadow from topiaries or from an original statue, play with distance and angle of fixtures that light them. You will definitely turn heads with this technique.


To light up trees with little foliage, place fixtures closer to the trunk. Installation at the foot of the tree will give trees a sophisticated, 3-D effect. Moving the lighting on trees with dense foliage to where the edge of its branches are produces a much better upshot.

Mix it up! By using varied lights, placement, and angles your lighting design will be a hit.

Reducing damage from mowing, fertilizing, and watering can be done through the use of well lights.

Use a timer, movement sensors or photocells that automatically turn on and off lighting. It will conserve energy and save you money.

Overlap the light given off by fixtures to avoid unwanted shadowing. Another shadow fix is to install fixtures behind shrubs.

Effects created with different solar lights and angle, areas to light, and careful planning should go into your landscape lighting design. Plans without planning are plans that spell disaster. Happy Planning!

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What You Should Know About Home Security Euipment

By Ray Lam

The majority of people think that you simply cannot choose to be too careful when it comes to the safety and protection of your family and home when you invest in home security equipment to guard their safety. Depending on your budget and your needs you can obtain home Security equipment as sophisticated or a simple as you wish.

Basic vibration detectors for your windows or door jam magnet contacts have a fairly easy installation procedure and guard the entry points of your home. For surveillance of the interior rooms, home security equipment can include devices such as motion detectors, which have options to adjust their sensitivity to compensate for household pets, yet detect a person passing through the protected area.

An additional helpful piece of home security equipment are what are known as infrared detectors, that measure ambient temperature changes of a monitored room and triggers the alarm if it notices any difference in temperature passing through. This function also allows for adjustments for any known changes.

Home security equipment can also include a dialer system, which instantly sends a phone call to a call center to alert of a break-in, a medical emergency or fire, depending on the particular home security equipment that triggers the alarm.

Motion detectors are an excellent way to insure that your home will not be broken in to undetected. Even if for some absurd reason a burglar gets into your home and bypasses the window and door sensors, they will certainly not be able to bypass a motion detector.

If cost is not an issue then you might like to get a color security camera but a black and white one will probably be ok for the average home security system. Beyond those options you can choose to get a locked safe. These can either be opened using a combination or a key, at your option. This is a great place to put your most valuable possessions and information.

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Inaccurate Odometer Disclosures Are Against The Law

By Karl O. Heil

Used car buyers factor in a vehicle's mileage when they're deciding the condition and value of the used vehicle. Odometer readings and disclosures are therefore a very important part in determining a vehicle's condition and value.

It's because of those reasons that state and federal laws restrict both odometer tampering, and also a false odometer disclosure papers. federal laws require those seller provided a detailed odometer disclosure statement and certifies the following:

(a) the odometers mileage reading is accurate for that car,

(b) the odometer reflects the amount of miles beyond the mechanical limit of the odometer, or

(c) the odometer reading does not reflect the actual mileage.

Other than modifying the odometer by rolling back the display, shady used vehicle dealers also ignore evidence of fraud or tampering. Sometimes, the odometer readings that have been recorded in the repair records of the vehicle are inconsistent.

One example would be where the mileage drops during one calendar year. That's pretty much a give away that something is going on. In other cases, the seller may notice that the odometer has been tampered with by seeing missing screws or scratch marks on the odometer casing.

These are signs that the seller should take seriously and check into the history of the vehicle. If he fails to do this then he's not certifying that the odometer is showing the correct mileage.

Car buyers who are concerned about the accuracy of odometer readings on a used vehicle can check the services such as Autocheck that gather background information on used vehicles. sometimes even these background reports are not accurate so. Another option is to take your car to a specialty garage where they can check for signs of tampering.

If it turns out that the seller does mess with the odometer or that he doesn't provide airtight odometer disclosures, use really looking for trouble, because federal law has serious penalties for such violators. Keep in mind though that federal laws regarding odometer tampering does not apply to vehicles that are more than 10 years old.

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Business or Home Security Systems - One Of Today's Necessities!

By Mike Lesell

A place of residence is there to protect us from anything this world can throw at us, whether the threat be from nature or from someone in our own society.

In today's world, sad as it may seem, to keep your residence and or business safe from the law breaking demographic of the general public, it really is vital that you install some kind of home or business security device.

Home security systems, not difficult to set up any more!

Setting up a home or business security device in today's world is no longer a difficult task. Thanks to technology the home security devices of today are very easy to set up and affordable.

You can guarantee that the most deserted entrances to your premises will be a thieves first choice when attempting to gain access to your building. If you do not have a system in place to prevent a thief from being successful, it will just be too easy.

The installation and general day-to-day usage of the modern home security systems is not as difficult as it once was. This really could not be more true with the modern wireless home security systems. Not having to put wires all over your home makes their installation really quick and easy.

With a lot of these new systems you can install cameras throughout your business and/or residence and then with the help of the Internet view your business and or residence live from anywhere on the planet!

But in no way are you limited to security cameras. With complex alarm systems that can actually ring the police for you, high-tech infrared sensors, heat sensors etc, etc there are just too many devices to quote here.

Thieves generally will not try to enter your residence through the front door, these days they often avoid the back door as well since more and more people are putting in measures here also to deter them, so they will often try to gain access to your property from side doors. So it is essential to cover all entrances to the home.

If thieves know your house is protected with a security system they are less likely to even attempt to enter your property, since for them it is an added risk that they don't need to take, it makes more sense for them to visit another home without a security device. So make sure you put signs around your home informing everyone that your home is equipped with a home security device.

So in closing I would say that in today's world is really is a necessity to install a home and or business security system, without one it really is just too easy for the modern day thief.

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Toronto: Lawyer and the City

By Amy Nutt

Being a lawyer can be quite the rewarding career, but it is a career that can vary in degree and scope based on where you are located. Let's just say that being a lawyer is going to be a bit different in Toronto than being a lawyer in a small town with about 15,000 residents. There is a bit more responsibility involved and that responsibility has been increasing in recent years. Much of it has to do with the fact that people are no longer afraid to sue when something happens to them.

At one time, an individual could have pain inflicted on them by another person or even a company and they would let it roll off their back. That has changed drastically because people are tired of becoming victims and letting it slide. Lawyers in small cities have these cases as well, but lawyers in big cities have a larger potential customer base and they thrive on that. That is great because that means a better income, a better reputation, and leads to even more excitement.

Big city law adds mystery

Being a lawyer in the big city means the cases are going to be a bit more diverse. With more people come more unique situations in which a lawyer is needed. This gives the lawyer the opportunity to set a standard in law when a legitimate and unique case comes their way. The excitement alone is hard to contain and then there is that income and reputation factor. In small towns, the income ceiling is a bit lower because there is only so much to work with. If you are a small town with ten lawyers, then the earning potential is not as high. However, a lawyer in a large city such as Toronto has an incredibly higher earning potential.

Another aspect to being a lawyer in a large city that is unique is the reputation factor. It actually works differently in the big city than a small one. That is because the small city always knows what their big lawyers and doctors are doing. There is even a bit of jealousy amongst residents when driving past the home of one of these individuals. In the big city, there are more lawyers and many of the individuals could care less about their personal lives. This allows the lawyer to focus on their job as a lawyer without having to worry too much about privacy unless a high profile case is involved.

The competition factor

And then there is the competition factor that makes the profession even more exciting. Personal injury lawyers in small cities do have competition amongst each other, but lawyers in big cities have more lawyers to compete with and a larger playground to compete on. The sky is pretty much the limit in this area and that can make ad campaigns, signs, and other advertising media a lot of fun. As a lawyer in a big city, you have the money to do it so run with it. The only thing to lose is being one of the top lawyers, if not the top lawyer, in the city. Many big cities are now getting to the point where they offer awards and other types of recognition for lawyers who have done something exceptional, so you want that case that is going to get you that recognition. More recognition means you're doing to get more clients. Most importantly, you're going to be upholding the law and being in a bigger city allows you an even larger opportunity to do just that. And that is why being a personal injury attorney in a big city definitely has its perks.

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Your Auto Is Only Protected By Lemon Laws If You...

By Karl Heinzel

When looking for a new car, you should avoid cars with non-factory-installed or aftermarket accessories & components. If you see a vehicle on the car lot you like, but it does not have a specific component or accessory you want, the salesperson will probably tell you the dealership can have the component or accessory installed.

Some of the usual third-party items include: sunroofs, backup cameras, navigational systems, indash or under dash stereos, remote starters, alarms, and DVD players. The trick is to stick to factory installed items.

The deal with this is you have to wait for the dealership to either tracked down the car you're looking for, or order it from the factory. The upside is that if you have problems with any of the accessories on your car, it won't void the warranty like aftermarket products might.

Aftermarket components are typically installed by third-party facilities & not the manufacturer or the dealer. The selling dealer usually does not extend any warranty covering these components. The manufacturers warranty does not cover them because they aren't the manufacturers components.

In fact, even the aftermarket installer may not offer any kind of warranty on your spiffy new gear. If you do end up having any trouble, odds are, you may not have many options for warranty coverage.

Chances are very good your state's lemon laws are not come apply to your situation. We have scores of cases where things have gone wrong with aftermarket components and the law didn't provide any remedies.

* A remote starter from a third party was improperly installed and drain the battery dead.

* The third-party sunroof, ended up funneling rainwater right inside the car.

* The aftermarket DVD player causes the vehicle not to start due to faulty installation.

* The aftermarket navigation system compromised the vehicles entire electrical system.

Even though these were serious problems, the state's lemon laws didn't apply. As a result, these people either lived with the problems are caused, or had the components removed at their own expense

Aftermarket components can effect the value of your automobile. If they don't work right, they may void the manufactures warranty.

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Looking for Love Online, Who Isn't

By Louise Servage

Can this be true, while you hope that you will find love the old fashioned way, the truth is finding love in clubs, pubs and supermarkets is not as easy as it sounds. Today people are feeling more useless in finding love.

Well you can quietly gain some happiness because you are not alone. Today lifestyle make finding love nearly impossible. People are starting to think that it is the norm. Large cities are starting to become really lonely places.

Not wanting to be all doom and gloom the reason for today's message is to offer hope by giving suggestions for people with a shortage of time. Time starved people need love to, this is where the technological advances of the 21st century come into play.

We all know that the proliferation of fast food outlets is simply because people have no time, they are time starved and because you cannot simply rush in and find love like at a fast food joint what can you do. Well don't despair there is an answer.

Today websites make finding love online as easy as submitting your personal details and picture online, while you have to add a whole bunch of personal details; this makes finding a compatible companion easier. That's another benefit of web dating you can start your search by filtering people with things you don't / do like.

Websites offer you a great return for the time it takes to set up, as well as your love investment, as they allow you to make great contacts easily. In fact using the Internet to find love is now becoming more the norm, more mainstream if you will.

With matchmaking websites able to narrow down your desired characteristics that you seek in a potential partner (with your help) has allowed this method to become more the norm. In fact the popularity of this dating method over the years has be quite unbelievable.

While dating sites don't take all the work out of finding love, they do help. No longer do you need to spend countless hours standing at the bar, now all you need to do is simply input your details online to put yourself out there. But remember you still have to meet and communicate to your potential partners to establish the love connection. No matter how you look at it love is still a personal thing.

The truth is finding love has been revolutionized in the 21st century by dating websites the trick is to find the right one to start your search. The good news is there are thousands of websites that will point you in the right direction. So find your self a good dating website review article and join up many are free to list, so start your search Today.

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One Night Stands and the Pick Up Artist II

By Vin DiCarlo

There's one thing you need to know when going for a one-night stand - You cannot always bring home the hottest girl in the place.

You can get a solid number from her, but its not a guarantee that you can take her home because whether or not a woman is open to going home with a guy, it varies widely in particular night.

However, there are LOTS of horny women moving around the clubs and bar anytime of the day that are open in getting lay that same day or night. And all you have to do is have a knowledge and ability to spot them.

Some of the few things that you should look for are on the way how they dressed up and on the way how they put some make-up. Many women exerts a lot of hard work just to look beautiful. And you know there is a reason for it.

The reason is they want to be approached. Although it isn't always true but is generally the case.

You will also know that a woman is seeking attention when she is so loud, hyper and animated.

Lastly, I look for women who are looking around the room more than the other girls in their group. A lot of times, you'll see groups of two or three women all standing around with blank expressions, scoping the room.

These women are obviously making themselves out there, waiting to be notice by men.

Just take these in mind, that when you approach you don't go into full-steam running your clever routines and cocky frame control stuff. You have to take it easy.

You have to let them know that you are interested in meeting them, A simple "hey ladies, you all look great tonight. Special occasion?" is enough. Its just have to be light, warming and social.

To discuss openly that you want her in bed and looking to take her home can put a woman into a a point to agree and bang with you, implicitly. So try not to make it obvious that it is your main purpose.

Or also, build sensual tension with her, as we discuss heavily in our workshops.

This will be against a woman's "rules" and she'll definitely be keeping distance from you. And you really need a logistic information to know how you can get her back to your place.

The important thing here is to act as NOT trying to pick her up and eliminating any overt sensual intention.

You must have the willingness to control the situation and knows how to enjoy while having the escalation in the right way.

It may sound counter intuitive, but that's how it works.

You must trust that women wants to be in bed and there are a lot of women in the club, bar or in any venue that wants to get a same day lay.

Some will and some won't, and what you should know is to figure out and proceed to get them.

I know you don't what to invest a lot of your time to pick the right girl and then just mess it up after a long interaction. Or to spend your time to a wrong girl or worse.

That's a HUGE waste of time.

About the Author:

Going on a first date? Do it the right way.

By Lisa Jaye

Despite what some may have you to believe dating can sometimes be a real pain in the butt. With so many mixed signals out there, trying to make your way through the dating maze can really be tough. Here are some tips to consider when dating:

A shared sense of humor is important. Try to bring laughter to the date. Try to get a laugh out of the guy. That way you know you've got something. If he doesn't get your jokes what else is he going to "get" about you?

Be yourself. People sometimes try too hard to impress. If they just relax a little, the date will go better and they will not have to worry about any of those little embellishments backfiring later on. The worst thing people do on first dates is lie. They are trying to improve their status so you will be interested in them.

Have realistic expectations about a first date. Some people start planning their wedding and others expect the worst. Usually all this will do is put a strain on the relationship before it even begins.

There is a difference between first dates and the first face-to-face contact with someone you connect with through a dating service or ad. That is a meeting to assess each other, not a date.

If you are comfortable and seem to be compatible set up a date to spend more time together. Remember that the first date is supposed to be fun. You are getting to know this person and he is getting to know you. It should not be something that feels like a meeting with your boss.

If the date turns out to be a dud do not make any promises you will not keep. Do not be encouraging if you feel no interest in further socializing. Be honest and say you feel there is not a basis for anything other than friendship and let your date take it from there. Pick yourself up and move on.

Remember that the first date is supposed to be fun. You are getting to know this person and he is getting to know you. It should not be something that feels like a meeting with your boss. So relax, enjoy yourself, be natural, and go with the flow!

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Great Defensive Tools For The Average Consumer

By Chris Channing

Getting attacked or robbed is going to put anyone's day into a downward spiral. But thanks to technology ,there are some great products that can make even the most frightening robbery a cake walk. But because of the selection available, most consumers don't know where to start or even what they are getting themselves into.

The most common type of self defense used today is pepper spray. Pepper spray is going to make the victim blinded temporarily, thanks to the effect they have on the blood vessels in the eye. Pepper spray will also make it difficult for the victim to breathe, which can also help subdue an attacker. Either way, a good shot of pepper spray is going to give a perfect chance for a getaway.

Stun guns are also quite popular for those who don't have enough strength to get away from a heavily built male. Often times most who use stun guns are females, as they can quickly disable an attacker and force them to the ground in seconds. Although more costly, stun guns can come in many varieties, and can even have longer ranges than pepper spray to make for more safety.

Knives aren't commonly used for self defense, since not many are skillfully trained in using knives. Others don't like the fact that most metal detectors will cause a scene if they are carrying a concealed knife. But for settings such as the office or even at home, concealed knives that are manufactured to look like pens can give the defensive victim the precious act of surprise.

One can take a page from the police handbook by obtaining a hand baton. Batons are used since they are easily conceal, expand upon a flick of the wrist, and can be a very large deterrent in an attack. Batons are made to sting as much as they injure the victim of the blow. Of course this requires direct contact, so most batons are best suited for males who can wield them with a sense of confidence.

Air guns are another solution for consumers who want the power of a gun, but in a non-lethal force. Police commonly use air pistols and rifles to help bring riots under control and in other intense situations where lethal force is not a good idea. Air guns are harder to conceal, however, and will require practice to use correctly.

Final Thoughts

We just can't get enough of new gadgets that provide for more security- but it'll cost a bit of money to guarantee one's safety. For the best solution to one's certain situation, consult a self defense expert and friends or family members of items they would recommend.

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Dating Tips for Creating Relationships

By Vin DiCarlo

Just when I know how to escalate and get good with women quickly, I think of those women I slept with but couldn't keep around.

And it's quite sad.

There are lots of women that has the potential to become a great girlfriend.

But I had my head higher than my ass.

...maybe that's a little harsh.

But this comes down from TWO distinct problems:

First, I was trying to prove something to myself. I was still a recovering nerd. And I've never fully recovered. But I've stopped trying to recover. And that's what's made me move past this "proving myself" thing.

I've accepted what I am.

Sure, I like comic books and video games.


Do you think girls have cooler interests?

Is shopping, getting drunk and Myspace are cooler than what I'm into?

It's all have connection.

What it really need is self-acceptance.

If you don't accept yourself, women won't accept you also.

Can you imagine a woman wanting to be your girlfriend when you don't like yourself?

She will HATE to be with you and not wanting to be around with you.

Because you can't really like a woman, if you don't like yourself. And if you do like her, but not yourself, then you look like a total loser. And who wants to date a loser?

Although it sounds easy but self-acceptance is rare. How often do you hear people say, "I don't care what anyone thinks of me!"

Based on my experience, almost all DON'T ACCEPT themselves completely.

And I'm not excepted from them.

How you accept yourself is how women find you attractive, and people likes to be around you.

It may be hard to completely accept yourself. There is an old beliefs creep in and saying you are not enough, that you must be more than yourself now.

The degree to which your game becomes better is if you know the degree to which you stop these thoughts.

Because the real game is about yourself and not doubting about yourself. And the game doesn't end after your opener, after a few dates, after "making love." It never ends that way.

Because that's you.

You are not separated from your game.

Your game IS YOU. This game is the degree to which you can demonstrates who you are.

Maybe you think "But I'm nervous and insecure and awkward." I don't agree. That's not you.

That is the indistinct you.

That is you trying to come out, but your ego, your old mental habits stop you from expressing what you really want to express.

Before I proceed deeper, I want first to go to the second reason why I couldn't keep girls around after sleeping with them.

I wasn't aware of shaping.

Shaping is all about knowing what YOU want. You can't shape if you don't know what you want. The extension of self-acceptance is knowing what you want.

In fact, it is self-acceptance, applied to others. You encourage women to do to you what you like if you know what you like also.

You see, women are very flexible. They have many sides that they can reveal to a man. Men usually implicitly tell women to be selfish, mean, and act like they are better than the man.

But it's not the woman's fault. She's just doing what she's told. Women are always looking to men to get a sense of reality.

So if you approach and treat a woman like a pedestal, she will act accordingly.

If you approach her and treat her like she's lucky you talked to her, she'll feel that way.

Same through after mating, if you treat her like she should stay in your life and nurture your lifestyle, she will do so.

We go into this heavily in our workshops. I've developed lots of ways to shape a woman to be EXACTLY the kind of woman I want in my life.

And each woman is different. For example, I may want one woman to be just a mating partner. I may want another woman to be a sugar mama! I may want another one to be a girlfriend. It all depends on what you want.

I used to remember all the crappy, frustrating relationships I have.

And how frustrating it was to not see those women again using all the hookups I had as a young pickup artist.

But once I began to accept myself and figure out what I wanted, it all came together.

The Attraction Code is all about finding out who you are, accepting and cultivating your character, and then applying that to the girls you want to meet, sleep with, and date.

If you're struggling with self acceptance and letting the real YOU shine through The Attraction Code is a MUST HAVE.

About the Author:

Great first date tips

By Lisa Jaye

Despite what some may have you to believe dating can sometimes be a real pain in the butt. With so many mixed signals out there, trying to make your way through the dating maze can really be tough. Here are some tips to consider when dating:

When you're going out with someone plan your date carefully. Look for something creative and make sure it allows you to interact. It will help if the activity relates to a shared interest, such as art or music. Doing something you enjoy takes the pressure off. Be light and humorous. Lots of laughing always makes for a great date so don't take yourself too seriously.

Be yourself. People sometimes try too hard to impress. If they just relax a little, the date will go better and they will not have to worry about any of those little embellishments backfiring later on. The worst thing people do on first dates is lie. They are trying to improve their status so you will be interested in them.

Do not give up. But if things do not go well be prepared. Take your cell phone along on the date. A discreet call to a friend can help you engineer an early end to the date gone wrong.

There is a difference between first dates and the first face-to-face contact with someone you connect with through a dating service or ad. That is a meeting to assess each other, not a date.

There is a difference between first dates and the first face-to-face contact with someone you connect with through a dating service or ad. That is a meeting to assess each other, not a date.

Look for something creative and make sure it allows you to interact. It will help if the activity relates to a shared interest, such as art or music.

Remember that the first date is supposed to be fun. You are getting to know this person and he is getting to know you. It should not be something that feels like a meeting with your boss. So relax, enjoy yourself, be natural, and go with the flow!

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Dating Tips for Men: Time Management - Part 1

By Vin DiCarlo

Dating can be your best pal.

...OR your big enemy.

Often, a guy can feel like a slave to his biological need to procreate.

Then there goes a common quote, "He thinks with his... You know."

Well it can be hard to NOT think that way if you aren't physically satisfied.

But men are also goal oriented.

We are doers, and need to achieve things and affect the world in a positive way.

Balancing the two - my urges and achieving my goals is one of the biggest challenges I've personally faced.

When you are single, dating can consume a lot of time. Women will suck away at your time if you don't know what you're doing.

Before you notice it, you are spending hours feeding the birds and cuddling in the park... now nothing wrong with spending a quality time with your girlfriend, AS LONG AS IT DON'T interferes YOUR GOALS IN LIFE.

Goals take time, and so do women.

In fact, it's the nature of a woman to take up the man's time - it's her way of getting you to invest in her. That way if the woman gets pregnant there's a less chance of you leaving (this comes from our caveman days, so to speak).

It is really tricky to manage your time with women. You see, giving their time to women is what most guys WANT to give. By nature men are "givers." They like to please women, protect them, and give them good feelings.

Guys have also a urges that can completely take over your thinking.

Both of these things can get in the way of you making the most of your life, your time.

I want you take a moment and ask this to yourself, "WHAT DO I REALLY WANT TO GIVE TO WOMEN?"

Now I know it wasn't about "money," or "control over my life," or "lots of my free time."

It was probably something like "feeling of safety, good feelings, sexual pleasure, excitement, relaxation, make her smile or feel good about herself, etc."

I think men have problems with how they use their time with women in two ways.

First, they think that the gifts they REALLY wanted to give aren't that valuable, making them overcompensate with other stuff - like spending too much money or time to a girl.

Second, men think that they are "getting" something valuable when a woman spends her time with them.

Guys was brainwash by the society to believe that women are a prize to attain, and that there's some inherent value in a pretty face.

It's not TRUE!

Women are cute, sometimes fun, but ultimately not that important, AND THEY CAN'T COMPLETE YOUR LIFE! The best thing is see a women for what they are, nothing more, nothing less.

Now it can be really hard to break out of this mental prison of feeling inferior to women.

Your mental habits are subtle and hard to notice because you've been doing them for years.

About the Author:

Online Dating Tips You Need to Know

By Lisa Jaye

So you've heard a lot of great things about online dating from your friends and you think you're ready to give it a try. Now what? How do you get started with online dating?

If you're new, or relatively new to the online dating scene, this article should get you headed down the right path. Follow the tips and recommendation presented here and your initial experiences will be more enjoyable, and yield better results.

Do a search of "online dating" and you will be presented with more than 2.9 MILLION web pages from which to make your selection! But don't let the huge numbers discourage you. Just try refining your search to something more specific like "online dating for Christians" or "online dating for professionals."

If you're looking for a free dating service, you may have to dig a little harder to find something of quality. Free dating sites with lots of members, lots of activity, and lots of member services are pretty hard to come by. You'll understand better after you do a few searches for free dating websites. A search for dating reviews and forums can also be helpful.

With the dating related forums, you can read about good and bad experiences others have had with particular dating and personals web sites. Dating services reviews will give you some good info as well. Look for genuine, unbiased reviews. Many of the dating review sites out there are willy-nilly listings someone threw together to earn commissions.

Another way to find good dating sites is by asking friends and co-workers who may have tried, or are using online dating or personals services. You may be surprised to find out how many of your single friends are members of a personals site.

How Much? Monthly fees vary widely, but the average is around $24. Most dating and singles sites will give you a discount if you pay for two or months in advance. I would suggest you only buy into a one month membership with any new dating service you join. If you decide you like it simply extend your membership. If you don't like the service, you cut your losses at one month, and avoid the hassles of requesting a refund, or canceling billing.

All in all, online dating is a lot of fun and relatively easy to get started with. Do your research, find a dating service that you really like and take it for a spin. Who knows you may find that someone special.

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Speed Dating Tips

By Lisa Jaye

Have you ever thought about giving speed dating a try? Speed dating is perfect for someone who's short on time but really wants to get out there, socialize, and meet some great people. Here are some interesting things about this fairly new way to date.

Speed daters rotate from station to station every few minutes and meet a new potential mate at each station. Each person takes turns asking the other person at their station questions until the clock expires and then they move onto the next station. They take notes on each date so they can figure out who they do or do not want to see again after the speed dating session.

Each dater takes notes on each date so they can sort of who they do or do not want to see again after the speed dating session. At most speed dating events the woman stay at the same station for the entire session while the males move station to station to meet each woman.

A unique feature of speed dating is that participants are not allowed to ask each other out directly. Only those daters that have expressed mutual interest in each other will be given contact information to get in touch with their potential mate outside of the speed dating arena. This is a plus for those people who have a hard time handling rejection since they never have to deal with it face-to-face. Of course there is a possibility that no one will be interested in seeing you again. In this case, you would leave the speed dating event feeling much worse than before the event and you'd be unlikely to attend a speed dating event in the future.

A unique feature of speed dating is that participants are not allowed to ask each other out directly. Only those daters that have expressed mutual interest in each other will be given contact information to get in touch with their potential mate outside of the speed dating arena. This is a plus for those people who have a hard time handling rejection since they never have to deal with it face-to-face.

Most speed dating services charge between $25 and $60 per person. The fee normally includes a couple of free drinks or a meal or snacks. Most speed dating sessions have between 50 and 150 participants, half male and half female.

One negative fact of speed dating is that you are forced to spend your time on "dates" with people you are not attracted to and have no interest in wasting both your time and money. Of course it's only a few minutes and will be well worth it if you end up meeting someone special at that event.

If you do decide to give speed dating a try just be sure to follow one simple rule. No matter what happens HAVE FUN!

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Dating Tips for Men: Keeping the Girl

By Vin DiCarlo

Just when I know how to escalate and get good with women quickly, I think of those women I slept with but couldn't keep around.

And it's quite sad.

There are so many women that has the ability to be a great girlfriend.

But I had my head up my ass.

...maybe that's a little rude.

But it comes to TWO different problems:

First, I tried to prove something to myself. I was still a recovering nerd. And I've never fully recovered. And stopped trying to recover. And that's what's made me move past this "proving myself" thing.

I've accepted what I am.

Sure, I like comic books and video games.


Do you think women have cooler interests?

Is getting drunk, Myspace and shopping is cooler than what I'm into?

It's all have connection.

Self-acceptance is what really matters.

A girl won't accept you if you don't accept yourself first.

Can you picture out a woman wanting to be your girlfriend and you don't like yourself?

She will HATE your presence and don't want to be around you.

Because you can't really like a woman, if you don't like yourself. And if you do like her, but not yourself, then you look like a total loser. And who wants to date a loser?

It may sound easy, but self-acceptance is hard to do. How many times have you hear these from people "I don't care what anyone thinks of me!"

Almost NO ONE accepts themselves completely, that's in my experience.

And I'm not excepted from them.

The amount on how you accept yourself is the amount also on how women find you attractive, and people want to be around you.

It may be hard to completely accept yourself. There is an old beliefs creep in and saying you are not enough, that you must be more than yourself now.

The degree to which your game becomes better is if you know the degree to which you stop these thoughts.

Because game is really about being yourself, not doubting yourself. And game doesn't stop after your opener, after "mating", after a few dates. It never stops.

Because that's you.

You are not separate from your game.

Your game IS YOU. This game is the degree to which you can demonstrates who you are.

You might be thinking "But I'm insecure, nervous and awkward." I disagree. That's not you.

That is the distorted you.

That is you trying to come out, but your ego, your old mental habits stop you from expressing what you really want to express.

Before I get too deep into that, I want to move on to the second reason why I couldn't keep women around after I slept with them.

I am not aware of shaping.

Knowing what you want is really just an extension of self-acceptance. And shaping is all about knowing what YOU want. If you don't know what you want, you can't shape.

In fact, it's self-acceptance, applied to others. You know what you like, and you encourage women to be that for you.

As you know, women are very flexible. They have many sides that they can reveal to a man. Guys usually tell women to be selfish, mean, and act like they are better than a guy.

But it's not really her fault. She's just doing what she's told. Women are always looking to men to get a sense of reality.

So if you approach and treat a woman like a pedestal, she will act accordingly.

If you approach her and treat her like she's lucky you talked to her, she'll feel that way.

Same through after mating, if you treat her like she should stay in your life and nurture your lifestyle, she will do so.

This was tackled deeper in our workshop. I've developed a lot of things to shape a woman to be EXACTLY the kind of woman I want in my life.

Women are different from each other. Like for instance, I may want a girl to be just a partner in bed. I may want another woman to be a sugar mama! I may want another one to be a girlfriend. It all depends on what you want.

I remember all the crappy, frustrating relationships I used to have.

I remember all the hookups I had as a young pickup artist, and how frustrating it was to not see those women again.

But when I began to accept myself and analyze what I wanted, it all came together.

The Attraction Code is all about figuring out who you are, accepting and cultivating your character, and then applying that to the women you want to meet, sleep with, and date.

If you're struggling with self acceptance and letting the real YOU shine through The Attraction Code is a MUST HAVE.

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