Speed Dating Tips

By Lisa Jaye

Have you ever thought about giving speed dating a try? Speed dating is perfect for someone who's short on time but really wants to get out there, socialize, and meet some great people. Here are some interesting things about this fairly new way to date.

Speed daters rotate from station to station every few minutes and meet a new potential mate at each station. Each person takes turns asking the other person at their station questions until the clock expires and then they move onto the next station. They take notes on each date so they can figure out who they do or do not want to see again after the speed dating session.

Each dater takes notes on each date so they can sort of who they do or do not want to see again after the speed dating session. At most speed dating events the woman stay at the same station for the entire session while the males move station to station to meet each woman.

A unique feature of speed dating is that participants are not allowed to ask each other out directly. Only those daters that have expressed mutual interest in each other will be given contact information to get in touch with their potential mate outside of the speed dating arena. This is a plus for those people who have a hard time handling rejection since they never have to deal with it face-to-face. Of course there is a possibility that no one will be interested in seeing you again. In this case, you would leave the speed dating event feeling much worse than before the event and you'd be unlikely to attend a speed dating event in the future.

A unique feature of speed dating is that participants are not allowed to ask each other out directly. Only those daters that have expressed mutual interest in each other will be given contact information to get in touch with their potential mate outside of the speed dating arena. This is a plus for those people who have a hard time handling rejection since they never have to deal with it face-to-face.

Most speed dating services charge between $25 and $60 per person. The fee normally includes a couple of free drinks or a meal or snacks. Most speed dating sessions have between 50 and 150 participants, half male and half female.

One negative fact of speed dating is that you are forced to spend your time on "dates" with people you are not attracted to and have no interest in wasting both your time and money. Of course it's only a few minutes and will be well worth it if you end up meeting someone special at that event.

If you do decide to give speed dating a try just be sure to follow one simple rule. No matter what happens HAVE FUN!

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