Senior Sex

By Sid Senior

Seniors do have sex. Sexual activity continues into later years. In fact, many seniors discover that senior sex is even better than expected. Having the children grown and gone, and without jobs consuming time and energy, you find you are able to relax more.

Good results can be achieved by those of you who are imaginative. Be creative and try new things. Perhaps a new position will have a positive effect. See if foreplay produces more play.

In case you do not know it already, what you eat and drink does affect your life of senior sex. Fruits and vegetables produce good results for you. Too many alcoholic beverages will produce bad results for you.

Your sex will be better if you are keeping in good shape by exercising your body. A fit body makes for happier times when it comes time for senior sex. Your fit body will give you the strength and long-lasting stamina you desire. Most seniors find that their sex life is better at certain times of day. Save yourself for those prime moments.

Your physical health is not the only ingredient for good senior sex. You also need good mental health. Things like confidence and attitude make a big difference. Anxiety, stress and depression are sex killers as well as life killers. You do not want to get into the bad habit of worrying about your performance.

Granted, your face and your body have aged somewhat and may not appear quite as appealing as before. Do you really think that is going to make much of a difference. Your partner is in the same aging boat. Just the same, that person is still your partner and still very interested in you.

One of the keys to good senior sex is to have good communication with the other person in the equation. That other person is going to be having the same doubts that you do. If you are able to share your feelings you are able to lessen the concerns shared by you both.

It is sad but true that necessary medications are able to diminish your previously strong sexual urges. Those same medications can decrease the level of your sexual performance. Fortunately, you are able to talk with the doctor prescribing the medications. That doctor should be able to explain to you whatever side effects may come with what you are consuming. Also, perhaps your dosage could be reduced. You also may be able to switch to other treatments.

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