I heard you coming and called the Police

By Scott Chalmers

Your home is at risk all the time however during hot days people become more careless and the security risk to your home rises. It is amazing to see how careless people are when it comes to security in the home. The number of people who leave spare keys under the door mat, above the doorframe or even under a plant next to the door. In some instances your insurance may not cover a break-in if you have done this so you may not be insured after all.

It's a hot day and like millions of people you open a few windows but make sure you close them before you go out. Even if you think you will only be five minutes think about how much a thief could steel in that time. The last thing you want to do is return and find someone in you home.

Make sure you don't leave valuable garden furniture and equipment in plain sight for people to easily see. Try and be discreet and place it behind a wall or plants so it is not easily seen. You should always remove any gardening tools as they can be used to break in to your home.

For simplicity and as a cheap solution a door entry system offers a quick way to protect your home. There are two types of door alarm, one is attached to the door with a small sensor at each side. Every time the door is opened the alarm goes off so you know someone has come in. The other option is a small battery operated motion sensor alarm, which can be placed above or aimed at the door.

The small battery operated alarm with the sensor is more flexible and can be moved around the home, you can put it next to patio doors or in the hallway. You can also position it so that young children can get in and out the kitchen for drinks but if they ventured further into your home the alarm would go off.

The motion sensor mini alarm offers the easiest and quickest set up to improve the security in your home or business. Usually the sensors come with two settings so you can have a short chime to let you know someone has entered or continuous alarm so you know someone is somewhere they shouldn't be.

Another great use for these mini motion sensor alarms is on vacation to protect your personal safety whilst you are asleep. The last thing you want is to be woken by an intruder standing above you.

Don't give a thief a chance, remember most crime is of an opportunistic type and if you don't give them the opportunity then you are less likely to be a victim. Crime prevention is the best option so contact your local police department for further advice.

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Learn How To Conduct Your Own Free People Search

By Steve Stone

We all have friends that we have lost contact with. We all want a service to help us find friends that we have lost touch with. The web has provided us with the tools necessary to carry out a free people search. In the past this task was left to Private Detectives.

Most people that look on the web for a free people search come away angry and with a lighter wallet. Most people give up after looking for hours for that service that allows them to conduct a free people search. Most of the services that they visit not what they seem.

A lot of services will allow you a free people search only to want a fee to provide you with extended results. These sites are more extensive than a free people search site but cost between $20 - $50 for unlimited searches.

Totally free people search sites are hard to come by. They are available on the Internet if you spend enough time to find them. A lot of the free servcies do not give you the same information that a paid site would but they are still essential to our seaches.

Google and Social sites are a great source of information while conducting our investigations. You will be amazed at what personal information you can recieve by conducting a simple Google search.

Networking services like Facebook and Mysapce can be a huge boom in your free people searches. Social sites allow members to complete lengthy personal profiles that often turn up information that you can use in your search. No need to dig through the site looking for your subject, most of the sites allow you to search the member database.

A free people search is often times like bobbing for apples. You will miss more than you hit. I have searched the net far and wide looking for the best free people search sites. After my lengthy search I did find a few sites that lived up to their advertising. You can start your search here Free People Search Online

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Stay Protected - Install a Home Security Network System

By Manuel Wiggins

Installing the home security network is very important to be able to protect home from dangerous intruders. There are many categories of wireless home security network and the person may select the most suitable to him. It must treat this matter seriously, since the numbers of cyber crimes increased rapidly.

Home Security Network System - Playing It Safe

The following are some important measures must be taken into consideration to approve the most safety in using wireless home security network systems:

Alter the identification of the home security network system. It is known that security equipments are accompanied with default systems IDs. It is called service Set Identifiers. It will be easy for any hacker to get the default identifier of manufacturers. Consequently, it is advised to alter the code. To do that, it is better to use something different, yet, it must not using an easy thing to be discovered by the hackers, such as names or birthdates.

It must limit the unwanted traffic flow. Due to wireless routers are bought with built-in-firewalls, it should read its given manual well. To determine reconfiguration of the system routers, will be benefit. It will give the user all control on approval of allowed incoming and outgoing traffic to access.

Be sure that the encryption is enabled. Of course, the Wi - Fi protected access and Wired Equivalent Privacy have abilities of data encryption. It means that the allowed recipients only can read anything.

All PCs in the home must be patched and protected. It must install firewalls along with anti-virus software. Both must be updated. That will assist in storing updates of security and protection vulnerabilities of PCs.

* Identifier broadcasting should be disabled. There's no need for you to announce to the neighborhood that you've got a wireless home security network system connection installed. You'll just be inviting hacker invasion on your wireless home security network. Consult the home security network manual to find out how to disable its broadcasting function.

Altering the default password of the administrator will be better, in spite of there are some individuals do not care to do that. So, it must change the password, otherwise leaving the door opened to hackers. When changing the password, it must avoid the easy one, such as names and birthdates.

As soon as the individual fellows the above mentioned elements, he can keep his family and himself safe. Home will be better protected and hackers will miss their way to that secure home.

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Home Security Cameras: Protect Your Home And Family

By Jeffrey Parker

According to current statistics, crimes involving home intrusion and property loss continue to rise. According to the FBI, a burglary occurs in this country every 15 seconds. Although this boggles the mind, it is true. Fortunately, the ability to protect ourselves and our home has become affordable and accessible. We can win the war on our security!

When discussing home security systems, one set up will not be suitable for every home. Security equipment needs to be custom planned to meet the particular needs of each home or business. One location may need entry detection, while another requires camera surveillance, and yet another may need motion-activated floodlights. Let's take a look at some of the many options available.

Home Security Systems are an oft-written about subject, and most readers probably understand the basics of their operations. Wired or Wireless systems are both viable options. If you are renting, the installation of a wireless system may be a better option, since it will do little to no damage to the building, and it can be easily moved with the renter. In an owned residence, a wired security system may be more effective, but it too has it's advantages and disadvantages. Hole must be drilled to install the wiring system necessary to run from each monitored location to an alarm control panel. Professional installation will insure that the work is done carefully and is well-concealed, but the labor contributes to the high cost of a wired system. Employing several technicians for multiple hours or even days can get expensive, especially considering the current labor rates.

Doing it yourself may be the best answer. If you can repair a basic lamp cord, you may be able to read the instructions, follow them to the best of your ability, and save yourself quite a bit of money. It is also possible to connect your car, your boat, or any other vehicle to the home security system. There are even motion detectors that are now available, and many of them come equipped to be programmed to disregard the family pet. Ultimately, whether a wired or wireless system best suits your needs, once the system is in place and is tripped by an intruder, an alarm will be sounded and can also be connected to a monitoring service which can call your cell phone to let you know.

Surveillance Cameras - Security cameras now come in two kinds: wireless or wired. When the doorbell rings, it's a great feeling to realize who's at your front door. Now, even less expensive home surveillance systems may view more than one location and display all the cameras' feeds on just one monitor with a split screen. Camera devices change very quickly, offering ever more features at reduced prices. One of the best and most recent offerings is a combination color camera and outdoor, motion-activated floodlight. This idea is excellent. Disturbing statistics show we can't always trust people in our homes, such as service personnel or babysitters. Hidden wireless cameras give assurance and evidence for such concerns. Actually, it's one of the most popular home security devices. An indoor camera will also keep an eye on your most prized belongings, and of course your baby as well.

Home Automation - This is a range of products you will want to look into while shopping for home security. The evolution of security products has developed into a new category of home automation devices. It has progressed well beyond the wireless garage door opener. Now you can use your home computer to control lighting, appliances, cameras, save camera video files, check on your home, and turn your security lighting or even your sprinkler system on or off!

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How to avoid being ripped off by home security companies

By Giles May

There's nothing worse than being burgled. After all, if there's one place you need to feel safe and secure it's your home. Fortunately, home security is relatively inexpensive, and in just about every locality there are specialists that can install alarms systems.

You should be extremely careful when commissioning a company to install a security system, and with so many companies around, it can be daunting to choose between them. Here's the "due diligence" you should conduct to ensure you find a quality security company.

1. Do they offer free surveys & quotations? Avoid any company that won't attend your property for free to quote. Good ones will make constructive suggestions for improving your home security, and supply you with a free detailed survey & quotation, and definitely not pressure you for a decision there and then.

2. Are they an established local security company? Local companies work hard to develop & preserve their reputation by giving a good service and will gladly supply references when asked. Another tip is to look round your local town, and you will notice security company stickers on external bell housings. His will tell you who the most popular companies in your area are, so you can draw up a shortlist to contact.

3. Are they a member of any trade associations? Find out which one and check that they are an established association online. Avoid those companies that belong to minor associations that can be joined easily and cheaply. Most security installers will display details of their accreditations online, so by searching online you can become familiar with the reputable security associations.

4. What guarantees are offered on their installation and equipment? You want one year as a minimum - some may offer more, and others will offer some kind of extended warranty, perhaps at a small cost. If something goes wrong with the system - for example, the alarm goes off and you can't turn it off - what are their response times. Also, do they offer maintenance packages and monitoring services ?

5. Do they project an aura of professionalism? The representative who does the first visit must seem professional to you. Check their paperwork - does it professional looking or do they write on scrap paper? Are their vehicles clean and sign written ? If you have nay doubts about their professionalism at this stage, then you are unlikely to be happy with the end result.

6. Finally, do the details of the alarm they are quoting you for, match your needs and lifestyle? Have you told them about your pets, children and any specific requirements you may have. That way they can match a system towards your specific needs. If you feel you have to change your lifestyle to conform with their alarm system, then seek an alternative.

If all the above conditions are met, then go with the company you feel most confident in. It's not always down to price, especially when protecting your greatest and most important investment - your home.

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How Do I Strengthen My Doorways Against Intruders?

By Pamella Neely

You should first decide on the type of door you want to have. The three main choices are fiberglass, wood, and steel, but glass is also very popular. Only choose a solid wood door because a hollow one may be kicked through very easily and is rather difficult to reinforce. Steel doors are the best choice for safety because they are stronger than other types of doors. They also will not crack, come apart, or warp as other types of doors tend to do. Any dents in steel doors can be easily repaired with a basic body repair kit.

Consider replacing the hinges on all of your exterior doors. Installing new hinges that have nonremovable pins will provide you with extra security. Remove stop molding wooden strips, and put them back on using wood glue and nails for additional protection. You might also consider installing door reinforcers, such as high-security strike boxes.

For those of you with sliding glass doors, make sure you take the necessary measures to secure them. A great way to do this is to install keyed locks at the bottom and top of your doors. Another option is to have a Charlie bar installed. Charlie bars swing down to the middle of the door which prevents the door from being opened. If neither of these fits your budget, obtain a wooden rod that will fit securely along the bottom track. This should keep your glass doors from being opened.

There are several different types of locks that you might choose for the rest of the doors in your home. Mortise locks, deadlocks, rimlocks, and deadbolts are the most popular varieties. The majority of professionals recommend using deadbolts because they provide a high level of security. One of the most popular types of deadbolt lock is the single-cylinder, and it is commonly used on both wood and steel doors. Deadbolt locks must be opened with a key from the outside.

A double-cylinder deadbolt lock uses a key on both sides, but in some instances these locks do violate some safety codes. It is advised that you check before installing this type of lock. While it does increase safety in case of a possible intrusion, there is also the possibility of the owner getting trapped inside a burning home if the key cannot be found.

Also consider hiring a professional alarm monitoring service, or installing your own home security camera system. Burglar alarms, motion detectors, door bars, strike boxes, and window bars are additional ways to increase the safety of your family members. Use this advice to gain further peace of mind by constructing a home security plan that is best suited for your specific needs.

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Video Surveillance Systems For Your Home

By Jeffrey Parker

It used to be the case that video surveillance systems were only used by businesses large enough to afford them. As prices have come down, they have become increasingly popular among homeowners. A home video surveillance system such as CCTV (closed circuit TV) can provide security against threats such as burglars by monitoring vulnerable areas.

A viewing monitor is a key component in a video surveillance system. Such a monitor displays video images from cameras. These images are often black and white and will have a much higher resolution than the images from an analog TV set - say, from 500-1000 lines.

Surveillance cameras are another important item. During installation of your home surveillance system, these cameras will be installed at various strategic locations around your home, where it is most defenseless. Their placement will be such that their appearance is unobtrusive. They will be running continuously, constantly transmitting video to the monitors. For nighttime effectiveness, either lighting or infrared security cameras will be needed to monitor in darkness.

Unless you use a wireless security system, coaxial cables are also necessary for video surveillance systems. The coaxial cables transfer the video signals from the camera to the monitor. These cables are available in a variety of sizes and can be found at home security suppliers and electronics stores. Your home security systemwill come with coaxial cables, although you may need more depending on where you plan to set up your cameras.

Switchers are also required for home video surveillance system. Switchers let you send more than one camera feed to a single monitor. Usually, a switcher will cycle through the feeds until there is any movement detected at a specific motion sensor security camera. As soon as the switcher detects any motion, the camera is locked on to the target and it will automatically observe the movement.

Many home video surveillance setups use video recorders so that their live video feeds can be recorded and kept for future reference. If you travel or go on vacation, the recorder will see any break in that happens. If the burglar is arrested and goes to trial, the video recording makes excellent evidence against him or her. A video recorder in an inconspicuous spot, difficult to access, can ensure that burglars won't get away clean.

By combining video surveillance cameras and a monitor, a home video surveillance system will catch break-in's and burglars easily. They're very affordable now, and they are used in literally thousands of homes all over the U.S. If you want the best way to protect a home, the home video surveillance system is definitely something which you will want to examine more closely.

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DIY Home Camera Security - What You Need In Home Surveillance

By Jeffrey Parker

Many people feel that the world is becoming more dangerous every day. In some places, crime is very prevalent. In all places, there is always a risk of your home and family falling victim to crime. Break-in's and burglaries, robbery, and even violent crimes can pose a problem. However, you can take steps to protect your possessions and loved ones and help the police catch the criminals threatening your home and family.

Imagine that your neighbor paid an enormous amount to have a home security system professionally installed. Now imagine that you can save thousands of dollars by installing video surveillance cameras by yourself. You don't have to be a spendthrift to enjoy the same level of security as your neighbor. Don't let security companies take advantage of you with their ridiculous prices. Do it yourself security has never been easier...and it's fun!

In just one weekend, you can install your own Wireless Home Surveillance System. With a small investment of your time and effort, you'll be on your way to greater home security. It's fun, easy, and will provide a great return on your investment in money saved.

First, you have to identify what areas are most in need of monitoring. Your back yard, driveway, pool, front door area, etc. are probably all areas that you want to watch. Or, maybe your neighborhood is safe and you only want to monitor your baby in the nursery area. Either way, you will know how many cameras you need for your wireless home surveillance systems.

The next step is figuring out what type of camera to use. For example, will you be monitoring indoors or outdoors, or both? To this extent, waterproof housing is necessary for outdoor cameras. After figuring out the type of camera, you'll need to decide where both to place the cameras and position them.

Finally, safety comes first. Don't try to install something that you are not physically capable of doing, or that you lack the knowledge or experience to perform.

Over a single weekend, you can easily finish a home camera security system project on your own. This is certain to save you a lot of cash!

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Five Important Home Security Tips - Make Your Home More Secure!

By Tony Bueler

Whether living in a bad neighborhood or you just feeling like making your home a little bit safer, you will find that there are plenty of things that you can do to make sure that you home stays secure. The truth of the matter is that very few people think about home security until it is far too late, and if you are looking to make sure that you and your possessions are going to be okay, you'll find that there are several ways to do it.

- First, make sure that your home looks lived in. For the most part, thieves will strike when they know that no one is at home, so make sure that you don't present them with a good target by letting your home look like you are away. Keep your lawn trimmed and your shrubbery tidy and to make sure that it seems that there are people in the home at all times, use an automatic timer to light up your rooms even when you are on vacation. You may also find that using radios on automatic timers can go a long way towards getting you an occupied look. You may also want to make sure that your phone ringers and your answering machines are softened so that they can't be heard from outside.

- Remember that the one thing that robbers look for when they are considering breaking into a home is a sign that the home is unoccupied; make sure that you make arrangements for your mail to be stopped or to have a neighbor stop by. To further the confusion about whether you are in or not, park your car in the garage with the door closed at all times. You will find that if a car is gone that many thieves take this as a great opportunity to strike.

- When looking at the landscaping itself, remember that thieves have to get into your house somehow, and the harder that you can make it for them, the better off you will be. Be careful of letting bushes grow right up to the windows as this can give prospective thieves cover, and do your best not to leave things lying around that they can use to climb to higher windows or that they can use to force windows or doors open.

- And if you happen to be home, make sure that you don't open your home to people that you don't know. This is an important thing to think about. Even someone who is looking to use your phone for a moment might be checking the place ou!. Bring the phone to them, and don't let them in your home.

- Remember that you are not necessarily dealing with people who are professional thieves. Even a cheap fake security camera may be enough to thwart someone with criminal intent. For the most part, there are plenty of home burglaries that are undertaken by amateurs or people who are looking to make some fast money.

Take these simple steps and make sure that you are not making it easier for these people to rip you off!

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