Be Your Own Private Investigator - How to Search Public Records

Adopted children often want to learn more about their birth parents, especially when those adopted children become adults. However, the passage of time can make finding a person you have never met before very difficult. Hiring a private investigator was an option in the past, but there is no need to waste your money if you can now do this research on your own in a very short time. can help you track down your birth parents very easily. You will not have to run around town, travel to other states, search phone books from around the country, or run in circles. In order to conduct a search, all you will need is a computer with Internet access and a few hours to examine the records you will find. has access to over one billion public and private records from across the country, eliminating the middle man and making your search easier than it has ever been in the pest.

In order to run an online search, all the information you will need is the person’s first name, last name, and the last known state of residence. You will not have to know detailed information about the individual or personal and sensitive information about that person. All you will need to do is enter the name and state and hit the “Search” button. Then, in a matter of seconds, you will have access to arrest records, tax liens, court judgments, bankruptcies, and past and current arrest warrants. This information will allow you to access a complete criminal background check on the individual in question, which should provide you with all the information you need.

Unlike a traditional search, a background check from gives you many options from which to choose. All of the information that you learn from your search on will help you determine whether or not you feel comfortable pursuing a relationship with this person. If you do decide that you would rather not invite this person back into your life, your search ends there. No one will ever know that you conducted a background search and there will be no pesky paper trail that can be traced back to you.

If you do decide to pursue a relationship with this person, you will have all the information that you will need in order to establish contact. You will have a current address, a current telephone number, and the individual’s current name. This is important because many people do change their names, either through marriage or by design, which can make a traditional search fruitless. All of the power is then placed in your hands to make the decision that you need to make.

The choice is yours when you use No matter what you eventually choose, you will be able to be at peace with your decision because you will now have all the missing pieces to the puzzle. What you choose to do with those pieces is up to you.