In case you are not aware of it, seniors are having sex. In fact, they are having more and more sex in later and later years. Seniors are surprised to learn that their senior sex can be much more rewarding than they had anticipated. After their kids have grown up and moved out, and the seniors no longer have jobs to sap their time and their energy, they have more time to concentrate on the mission at hand.
It helps if you are creative and willing to try a few things for the first or second time. So try a different position for a change. Maybe you will find that you can achieve happier outcomes by putting more time into the foreplay.
The things that you are eating and drinking have an impact on your senior sex life. Your fruits and vegetables are going to help. Your drinking of too much in the way of alcoholic beverages is not going to help.
Your sex will be better if you are keeping in good shape by exercising your body. A fit body makes for happier times when it comes time for senior sex. Your fit body will give you the strength and long-lasting stamina you desire. Most seniors find that their sex life is better at certain times of day. Save yourself for those prime moments.
Thinking that your physical health is all that matters? Think again! Your mental health is just as important as your physical health when it comes to your sexual activity. Your attitude and your confidence level are very important. Any anxiety, stress or depression is going to destroy your enjoyment. You cannot afford to fall into the worry trap.
Are you thinking that your body does not look as good as it did once upon a time? Well, you are right. Fortunately, the same situation exists for that partner of yours. However, your partner still wants you.
Another of the secrets of good sex is good communication. Most likely, the other person has the same concerns as you. Being able to share your doubts with your partner can serve to reduce some of the anxiety the two of you may be experiencing.
Alas, your sexual desire can be inhibited by some of the medications that you have been taking. Also your sexual performance can be inhibited by those same medications. A trip to your doctor's office can result in some valuable information. Your doctor will be familiar with the known side effects of anything that you may be taking. Maybe the doctor can decrease the dosage amounts or be able to suggest some other forms of treatment for whatever ails you.
About the Author:
Ready to find out more useful senior information? Don't suffer due to lack of knowledge. Check out Sid Senior's free authoritative senior sex report. It's very helpful and easy to use.