Screen Your Workers To Protect Your Business

By Simon M Skinner

How many times have you hired someone and regretted it? Sometimes you need more than a resume. It can tell you quite a bit about a person's career. A resume also tells you what computer programs a person can run and how many years they were on a job. What it doesn't tell you, is the kind of person they are and if they have ever committed a crime.

We have all seen the news stories on TV of disturbed people who go back to their employers premises after they have been fired. THere are certainly some tragic stories. Or companies that have gone bankrupt through theft committed by an employee.

Reliable and up to date information about a prospective employees history is very helpful in making the decision as to whether to employ them. A background check of an employee could save a lot of trouble for your business in the future. I

Businesses such as can help you find out the background information before you make the decision about whether to emply them. It is definitely within your company's best interests to run a thorough background check especially if the employee will be working with large amounts of money.

There is no law that states that you have to run a check on potential employees, but why would you not want to do so?

When it comes to pre-employment screenings you have a number of choices:

You can conduct a criminal background search or a social security check. Both of these searches are legal and the courts have ruled that an employer has an obligation to check criminal records for employees who might be dealing the public or could possibly commit a violent crime against a colleague in the workplace.

Landlords tenants screenings are available to help you protect your property and investment. Tenant screenings will confirm previous addresses, credit history, name and whether a liens is against them.

The tenant screening can help you get information about a person before you rent a property to them. You may want to know ahead of time of they are on the nationwide sex offender alert.

Make sure that the person you hire or rent to, is who they say they really are. This can save you and a lot of people the trouble of having to let them go.

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