Managing Your Time when Meeting Women - Part 2

By Vin DiCarlo

Young men are taught that their urges is crude and silly, and that it is just a favor that women ALLOWS them to mate with them.

There's a syndrome that I call a "doofus dad" syndromeThere's another societal factor going on, . In almost every TV commercial and sitcom, the "dad" or "boyfriend" or "husband" is a dopey, incompetent goof, and the mom/daughter/girlfriend/wife has to use her superior intelligence to fix the situation.

This leads to the perception that women are "better," and thus, their time is more valuable than yours.

You will feel required to give a lot of your time to a woman if your time is not so valuable.

But here's the thing - if you are giving a woman too much time, you won't be present for most of that time. You will be distracted, resentful, you will give her your "half-assed" attention.

I realized this after analyzing tons and tons of dates I went on with women.

After a while I started giving women smaller amounts of my time, but my FULL ATTENTION.

Not only did this make our time better, it created MASSIVE ATTRACTION because I left women craving more.

Now my girlfriends can't get enough of me - in fact, I don't GIVE THEM "enough."

Ask you know, "enough" would mean, "overexposure" to me, and women can't be pulled to what they already have.

The proper way to manage your time is by being HONEST. And I don't recommend you to play games with women and pretend to be busy or whatever.

No games, just be real with her - don't spend more time that you want.

Be a man on the go - focus on your personal goals, and enjoy whatever free time you have with women.

Now in a short amount of time it requires that you are able to meet a lot of women, which I'll have to cover in another newsletter.

It's not good to see that men waste their lives chasing and "putting up with" girls, and then they are left out ALONE.

Women aren't property that you can keep or somehow take with you when you die. Think about that.

You can't "keep" a woman by investing all your time with her.

Another point that I want to give - when you start being honest about how much time you're going to give to a woman, you may feel GUILTY.

It's either a girl will try to make you feel guilty, or you will feel it on your own. This is ok, it just means you have a weak focus.

You see, if you are following your true path, it will usually stray from the social norm.

If you are in the habit of adopting the values that others try to impose onto you, you will probably experience some tension, guilt, discomfort, even loneliness at first.

That is why I discover and develop the Attraction Code. You can learn about self-control, finding true path, and letting the real 'you' deep within.

And no, we don't intend to impose our goals to you. I think you are capable enough to handle it to yourself, given the proper guidance.


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